David Carslaw
D.C. Carslaw
Analysis of long-term observations of NO$_x$ and CO in megacities and application to constraining emissions inventories
Have vehicle emissions of primary NO$_2$ peaked?
Source apportionment advances using polar plots of bivariate correlation and regression statistics
Spatially resolved flux measurements of NO$_x$ from London suggest significantly higher emissions than predicted by inventories
Crucial Role for Outdoor Chemistry in Ultrafine Particle Formation in Modern Office Buildings
Evaluation of the performance of different atmospheric chemical transport models and inter-comparison of nitrogen and sulphur deposition estimates for the UK
Measurement of NO$_x$ fluxes from a tall tower in central London, UK and comparison with emissions inventories
Performance of optimised SCR retrofit buses under urban driving and controlled conditions
Vehicle emissions: Diesel pollution long under-reported
Conditional bivariate probability function for source identification
Corrigendum to "Occupant exposure to indoor air pollutants in modern European offices: An integrated modelling approach [Atmos. Environ. 82 (2014) 9-16]"
Occupant exposure to indoor air pollutants in modern European offices: An integrated modelling approach
Air pollution dispersion models for human exposure predictions in London
Characterising and understanding emission sources using bivariate polar plots and k-means clustering
New insights from comprehensive on-road measurements of NO$_x$, NO$_2$ and NH$_3$ from vehicle emission remote sensing in London, UK
The importance of high vehicle power for passenger car emissions
A short-term intervention study - Impact of airport closure due to the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull on near-field air quality
One way coupling of CMAQ and a road source dispersion model for fine scale air pollution predictions
Openair - An R package for air quality data analysis
Openair - data analysis tools for the air quality community
Trends in NO$_x$ and NO$_2$ emissions from road traffic in Great Britain
New Directions: Science and policy - Out of step on NO$_x$ and NO$_2$?
Recent evidence concerning higher NO$_x$ emissions from passenger cars and light duty vehicles
Comprehensive analysis of the carbon impacts of vehicle intelligent speed control
Analysis of air pollution data at a mixed source location using boosted regression trees
Erratum to "Application of non-linear time-alignment and integration methods to environmental time series" [Trends Anal. Chem. 28 (2009) 373-391] (DOI:10.1016/j.trac.2008.11.013)
Modelling trends in OH radical concentrations using generalized additive models
Near-field commercial aircraft contribution to nitrogen oxides by engine, aircraft type, and airline by individual plume sampling
Analysis of air quality within a street canyon using statistical and dispersion modelling techniques
Detecting and characterising small changes in urban nitrogen dioxide concentrations
Free radical modelling studies during the UK TORCH Campaign in Summer 2003
Modelling and assessing trends in traffic-related emissions using a generalised additive modelling approach
Motor traffic and the pollution of the air: 100 years on
Risks of exceeding the hourly EU limit value for nitrogen dioxide resulting from increased road transport emissions of primary nitrogen dioxide
Change-point detection of gaseous and particulate traffic-related pollutants at a roadside location
Detecting and quantifying aircraft and other on-airport contributions to ambient nitrogen oxides in the vicinity of a large international airport
New Directions: A heavy burden for heavy vehicles: Increasing vehicle weight and air pollution
Development of an urban inventory for road transport emissions of NO 2 and comparison with estimates derived from ambient measurements
Estimations of road vehicle primary NO$_2$ exhaust emission fractions using monitoring data in London
Evidence of an increasing NO$_2$/NO$_x$ emissions ratio from road traffic emissions
On the changing seasonal cycles and trends of ozone at Mace Head, Ireland
The impact of congestion charging on vehicle emissions in London
The impact of congestion charging on vehicle speed and its implications for assessing vehicle emissions
Investigating the potential importance of primary NO$_2$ emissions in a street canyon
New Directions: Should road vehicle emissions legislation consider primary NO$_2$?
An empirical approach for the prediction of daily mean PM10 concentrations
Dispersion modelling considerations for transient emissions from elevated point sources
New directions: Use of vehicle position information provides a novel tool for emissions inventory development
Predictions of annual mean nitrogen dioxide concentrations in London | Prévisions des concentrations annuelles moyennes de dioxyde d'azote dans la ville de Londres
The efficacy of low emission zones in central London as a means of reducing nitrogen dioxide concentrations
An empirical approach for the prediction of annual mean nitrogen dioxide concentrations in London
London's air quality: Nitrogen dioxide and particles (PM10) in London's air - Present and future