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openair is a package that has been developed for the analysis of air pollution data. It provides many functions that are commonly useful for data analysis (Carslaw and Ropkins, 2012). The main development site is available here on GitHub. There is also detailed information available in a pdf manual — you can download the openair manual.

Increasingly, information on openair will be available through this website and a bookdown book will be written.

Briefly, some of the main functions in openair include:

  • Import data from air quality networks across the UK. See this post for more details.

  • Flexibly plot data using a range of conditioning variables such as year, day of week, season — or any numeric or categorical variable.

  • Wind and pollution roses.

  • Bivariate polar plots including conditional probability functions and two-pollutant statistics.

  • Calendar plots.

  • Functions for model evaluation such as Taylor plots and conditional quantiles together with common numeric statistics.

  • Functions to plot and process Hysplit back trajectories.

David Carslaw
Reader in Air Pollution

My research interests include urban air pollution, vehicle emissions, data analysis and statistics.